Council of Architecture’s International Conference on
Architecture Education in the Changing World

Reviewing and Rethinking the Way Forward


Theme number- (for example :1- a)

Title of the Paper (Use Title case)

centre alignment, always on new page


First Author a(do not use any salutations)

Second Author b(do not use any salutations)

Third Author c (do not use any salutations)

Author Note

Author information shall be at the bottom of the first page

Full name with salutation/ affiliation, address, email address and contact number, preferably mobile number of the author responsible for the submission for correspondence. Full name with salutation/ affiliation of all authors, brief information, not exceeding three lines and email address.


For the Abstract heading, use the Normal style and bold it. The Abstracts should be a concise statement of the problem, approach, findings, and implications of the work described within a single paragraph. It should clearly state the paper’s contribution to the field.

Abstract body will contain the Aim and approach used, Scientific innovation and relevance, Results and conclusions

Abstract should not be more than 300 words.


Add about 5 (max) keywords or phrases separated by semicolons for use in indexing this paper. For the Keywords heading, use the Normal style and bold it.


Content paragraphs like this one are formatted using the ‘Sentence case’. The font is Times New Roman, size 12 with1.5 spacing and justified alignment. The total length of the paper should not exceed 10 (ten) pages of A4 size including any diagrams, graphs, tables, images, references etc. Use the APA(7th edition) style for citations (Author, year) or ( Sen and Haigh, 2019) for two authors or ( Singh et al, 2019) for more than two authors. References to be given at the end of the paper as per the format given.

A reasonable manuscript structure would be: Introduction, Review of Literature, Research Objectives/Questions, Methodology, Results, Implications, and Conclusion, but this may vary based on your research.

Paragraph Heads

Indent is not to be provided. Always check the format, especially if you are going to copy and paste the paper from your original work. The font is Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 spacing and justified alignment.

Table and Figure style

Use Table text style (as in Table 1) for all tables. Table captions should be placed below the table. Figure captions should be placed below the figure. Captions should be Times New Roman 10-point bold in sentence case. Cite the source at the bottom as shown in the following table.

Objects Column A Column B
Tables Above More
Figures Below Less


Table 1. Example table caption style. Same for figures.

Number all tables or figures with the appropriate label followed by a period, one space, and the caption. Whenever possible, place figures and tables at the end of the paragraph in which the figure or table is referenced. Captions should be Times New Roman 10-point bold (Caption style). They should be numbered (e.g., “Table 1” or “Fig. 2”), centered, and placed beneath the figure or table. The words “Figure” and “Table” should be spelled out (e.g., “Figure” rather than “Fig.”) wherever they occur in the text. Use high-resolution images, 300+ dpi, legible if printed in color or black-and-white. Number all figures manually followed by a period, one space (e.g., Fig 1.), and the caption.

Footnotes and Endnotes

Best not to use if you can avoid it.


This is just an example. This section is optional.

Any specific information concerning the research about Funding agency etc.


All citations must appear in the references at the end of the document.

All the reference material should be written in the alphabetical order of the last name of the author or first author/ name of journal or book

Please use the following format for references from websites