Abstract Template
Council of Architecture’s International Conference on
Architecture Education in the Changing World

Reviewing and Rethinking the Way Forward

Abstract Template
Download Abstract Template


Theme: Please write the Theme name which you think is most suitable for your paper.

TITLE of the abstract should be in upper case. the font is times new roman 11pt in bold

capital letters

Chandra Yaan1, Earth Terra2, Uni Verse3

1Rmhtyw University, Country, 2Westside Institute of Technology, Country, 3Institution, Country

This is a sample of the abstract which should be submitted for the Council of Architecture's International Conference on Architecture Education in the Changing World- Reviewing and Rethinking the Way Forward, and this file can be used as a template. The abstract should be of a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words.

All abstracts must be written in English and should be submitted in camera-ready format. The abstract should be no more than one page on A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) paper. The paper margin should be 20 mm at the top and bottom, and 25 mm on the both sides.

Regarding fonts, only Times New Roman and Symbol can be used. Please make sure not to use other local fonts. The title of the abstract should be written in UPPERCASE, bold, 11pt and centered. Author's name should be written in 11 pt in bold type and affiliation and corresponding e-mail in 10.5pt, centered. If there are several authors or affiliations, related numbers should be given using superscripts. Abstract text should be written in 10.5 pt, justified. Use only SI units. Formulas and special characters can be used, but special care should be taken that these do not change the line spacing (i.e. single spacing) and can be properly converted to a PDF version.

Please note that the abstract can include figures and tables as long as they fit in 1 page. Figures and tables should be referred in the text to "Figure 1" or "Table 1," with the proper numbering. All figures should contain proper labeling, showing clear images in the original size in black and white. All figures and tables should be directly inserted into the file and be accompanied by a caption, starting with "Figure 1: " as the example shown below. Care should be taken that the final abstract file is no larger than 10MB (strict limit in the on-line submission procedure).


